Monday, January 21, 2008

Juno it's about time.... UPDATED

I'm still basking in the glow of my success and running prowess.... Heh! Except for the sometimes excruciating pain in my left foot. I hope I didn't fracture a bone. I have incredibly flat feet (they make suction cup farty noises if I walk barefoot across a damp hard surface), and wear arch supports in my athletic shoes. Not ideal for running long distances. If the pain keeps up, I'll go in for an x-ray or check with my podiatrist.

Last Saturday I got a call from the two little boys' court-appointed advocate. He wanted to check in with me, ask me some questions, and let me know that the "team" will be deciding on a permanent home for the boys on Tuesday (tomorrow!). These are the two little boys ages 3 and 4 who were meth babies. I am one of 8 families being considered. And one of the families is the foster mother (or foster parents, not sure). I want to take it as a really good sign that I was notified about the boys on my birthday, and that his call happened the same day I went and saw the movie "Juno"--I went to the early show and got his call in the afternoon. "Juno," if you haven't heard about it or seen it, is about a teenage girl who gets pregnant, decides to have the baby and picks a couple to adopt the child. The fact that it's smart and sassy and has some terrific lines, albeit somewhat over the top and unlikely, is beside the point. SPOILER ALERT! STOP NOW - SKIP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH! The fact that she picks a couple that later breaks up and she still chooses the wife to be a single mother to her baby is where the rubber meets the road in my connecting the call to the movie.

Needless to say, I'm obsessing about the boys, whether or not it will be a good match, whether or not I'll even be chosen, how likely or not is it that I'll be chosen given the odds, what does it mean that he called me, and when he asked if the case worker or anyone else had called me yet and they hadn't, does that mean the others aren't considering me? Okay, yeah. Since I'd prefer not to be disappointed, I think I'll go with: "It's unlikely that I will be chosen, but I'm glad I've been considered... I have to trust that the caseworker, child advocate, and whoever else is making the decision are best positioned to choose a good match. I will be happy for the boys whatever the outcome. A good match will happen for me eventually."

I should know by Wednesday. And you'll be the 4th to know once I hear. (First being my mom, 2nd sister, and 3rd R...)

TUESDAY NIGHT UPDATE: I still don't know, but I'm assuming it's a no go for me. I found the kiddos foster mom's website - just a little google action and what do you know!? The family has 7 kids, and the two little ones have a biological baby sister. Sheesh... I'd hate to break them up. I think the foster family probably got them, but I should know that for certain tomorrow. ALSO found out that the younger of the two is a GIRL! not a boy. She's absolutely beautiful - they both are. Little blond darlings. Anywho. I will post again when I know for sure, for sure.

WEDNESDAY MORNING UPDATE: I was not chosen. ...maybe next time... This is a very frustrating process. From now on, if the foster family are in the mix of families "vying" for a child or children, I'm going to just assume they will likely get the placement. And I will need to further consider becoming a foster-to-adopt parent. Basically I just need to shell out some money for home repairs to the home I rent (yes, unfair) so it would pass inspection for a foster care license. Alright. I'm running late... Thanks all for your well wishes!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Butt slings and birthday parties

The timing must mean something, right? At least I hope so...

Last Friday was my birthday - #44!! - and my adoption worker called me. It's been weeks since I'd heard anything from her. She told me about a pair of young brothers - 3 and 4 - that were legally free and ready for adoption! She wanted to know if she should forward my homestudy to their caseworker... DUH! Yes, please!!

They are not problem free, though. Meth babies. And the older will have permanent handicaps due, most likely, to the drugs. The younger is bright and on track developmentally. I will need a lot more information before I make a final decision - that is if I even get that opportunity. We'll see what the caseworker says. But I'm very excited that SOMETHING has happened. I'm so ready!

My birthday was great. Had a lovely dinner and dessert with friends and went to an art opening for one of them. I still need to put air in my new bike's tires so I can enjoy the "gift" from my folks. Funny thing - I only got two birthday cards and they were both from friends I had dinner with. I did get the requisite phone calls from my sister and her girls singing Happy Birthday - it was SO CUTE!! I could totally pick out each of their voices, and the 2.5-year-old was singing with mucho gusto! Also singing calls from my best friend and my mom. It was a really good day.

Since then, my best friend and I have been going to the gym on a freebie week long membership. It's been a blast. This helps me keep up with the gains I made working out for two weeks in Seattle courtesy of my sister. Let's hear it for cardio equipment and weight machines... YAY!! I'm SUPPOSE to run a marathon this next Sunday. Not sure... my "ass" gave out at 10 miles today. I have some very tight tendons and muscles that have been aggravated for more than a month. I'm going to make a concerted effort to stretch this week. Will be interesting. I'm a little afraid I either won't finish or won't finish in time (which is the same thing, because they'll pick you up and shuttle you if you're not done in time...). But I will give it a shot. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Oh, my goodness gracious!! I can't believe it's been more than a month since I posted and two weeks since I checked my dear friends' blogs! There's lots of happiness to ring in the New Year with (Marcy, Tracey, RaJen), and there are good times to come for the rest of us. I'm wishing ALL the brightest of futures and a wonderful year!!

I had a lovely Christmas break with family and friends. I stayed at my sister's north of Seattle with my two lovely nieces and parents. My sister bought me a two week pass to her gym, and I took full advantage of it. I also visited a couple friends in Portland, my grandparents in central Oregon, and my cousin and his partner in Seattle. I didn't work or check email for two full weeks! It was so fabulous... Of course now I'm trying to crack through 500 plus emails, but doing a decent job of it.

I have heard absolutely nothing about my adopting kiddos. I had been contacted about one little boy, but it wasn't a good fit. Nothing since. And none of my inquiries have panned out as of yet. But it's a new year, and good things are gonna happen!

Can't believe how boring I am. I'll make a resolution to be more interesting and funny... starting tomorrow.