Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ready for your close-up, Girls?

Found myself playing instead of working this afternoon/evening... and here's what I did. Made my first movie! This is video I took with my digital camera last summer of my two darling nieces attempting yoga. Of course the older - 9 at the time - is slightly better at following instructions/copying than the 2 year old, but not by much. Added a silly song and some effects... voila! Video. Enjoy :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Manic Sunday

I was SO SICK last week!! I came down with (probably) the dreaded nasty norovirus and began the pukefest Monday night. I was still sick, although the puking stopped, Tuesday through Thursday. I finally felt somewhat slightly normal on Friday, although ti-reD with a capital D. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off from work. I couldn't do anything, but started catching up as much as I could on Thursday. I work from home most of the time, so it's a pretty easy deal that way. I don't have to shower to work...

But I'm back and in fine shape nows. Thank goodness! And I've been in rare form for a few days now. I can't seem to not say what's on my mind. For example, I went with my friend to a tattoo shop yesterday afternoon so she could finally talk to them about getting her first tattoo. While chatting with the shop-keep, he decided to show us his "realistic" joke tattoo - an "open wound" on his ankle. I told him it looked like an asshole. He laughed. A lot. Then said that that was actually the model or original concept that was morphed into the wound. He also said that in all this time, I was the only person to ever say that/guess that right. But c'mon, I don't know this guy and here I tell him his tattoo looks like an asshole?

I had such a fun day yesterday with my friend. We went to breakfast, then Sally Beauty for makeup and hair color and, and, and... then Walgreen's for more stuff, then to R's for a break. While she walked her dog, I applied some of my new makeup for funs. When she got back, we went to look for the new tattoo studio in the neighborhood that's owned by a woman who did a friend of R's gorgeous floral tattoos. Told you about that trip already. Oh, but just before that we stopped at a Mexican bakery and had pastries and coffee. So cheap and yummy!

R & I took a little break and went to our own homes to "do stuff." I went back over with Kobi to eat dinner and play scrabble, but we never got to the scrabble. We played with makeup at the kitchen table. She looked like some gorgeous vamp from Star Trek! I didn't go that crazy... just looked like I was ready for (somebody's) bed.

Today's been a little more mellow. I guess I wore myself out yesterday because I slept until almost 11:30 this morning! Makes for a short day...

I am getting very excited about the prospects of having a pre-teen girl. Scared as hell, too. But, we'll just have to see what happens. I still won't know anything until the 3rd of April. I have really noticed, though, that maybe out of self-preservation or just my knack for making the best of things, I find myself thinking: "What was I thinking wanting two little boys... that would have been crazy! Costco here I come. I'd be worn ragged. And those fun little trips to Sally Beauty? The boys wouldn't really enjoy that. A little girl would have a blast with the make up parties, scrabble, trips to L.A., etc., etc. I would be so pinned down with younger children, and more limited on 'fun' with boys..." Now I know that's not all true. I do know. But I'm making this all okay for myself to become a mother suddenly of a pre-teen when I originally started this to have a baby of my own. Strange twists and turns, but thankfully, honestly, I was very open to whatever. As long as I get to be a mom, have a family.

Here's pics of my current family. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

New Poop

I go hot pink tomorrow, Candace & Marcy. :) I scheduled a trim and pink tendrils. To go with my hot bubble-gum pink toenails. Yay! And here's why...

I gave an official "yes" to CPS and my agency that I am interested in the 11-year-old girl! And/BUT there's a court hearing early next month where a judge will determine whether or not she will be moved from her current placement. The workers want her moved, feeling that the current foster mom isn't doing all she should for the girl - such as getting her to counseling appointments. The lady has also gone back and forth on whether or not she wants to adopt the girl. So it's time to move her. But the judge could decide that she's moved enough already (7 placements since she went into care in 2004!). Although the workers think that if she's not moved now it's just delaying the inevitable.

So it'll be another month before I know whether or not I'm going to be mothering a pre-teen girl. And if the answer is yes, will the current foster mom work with us on a good transition, or will she just say "fine, just take her now," which wouldn't probably be in the child's best interest. So there's a lot I still dunno and won't know for awhile. ...but WOW! I will know in a few weeks. And we all know how both quickly and slowly a month can pass...

So that's my scoop! I suppose I will be changing the name of my blog soon... Maybe I'll hold a naming contest!! I do think that I'll want to adopt a second kiddo in the next 2-3 years, after my first has time to fully adjust. So exciting!!