Thursday, April 19, 2007

Earth Week

Been a busy one for me. Last weekend was Step It Up. Tabled at ASU West on Wednesday. Big events this weekend for Earth Day. Fighting on behalf of the planet is always a great time!

My temps have stayed up. Could be related to the prometrium. I have no symptoms - even WITH the prometrium. I should have some answers no later than mid-week next.

Good news - although it took four months, we finally sold some jewelry on our Etsy site!! A necklace, bracelet and earrings set. And the guy wants a special necklace made for his mom for Mother's Day, and another for his girlfriend for her birthday. Yay! Gives me a little incentive to get more jewelry made and listed.

Oh, way past time for bed...
But just so I'm fulfilling my responsibility as a green citizen, I want to encourage everybody to do a little something extra for the Earth this weekend, maybe start a new habit. Use canvas bags for your groceries, or reuse paper or plastic bags. Buy in bulk to reduce packaging. Eat less red meat (uses a LOT more water and land to raise a beef cow for slaughter than for other meats)--even better, go vegetarian! Go organic to reduce the pesticides and chemical fertilizers in our environment. Eat locally produced food - shorter trucking distances means less carbon emissions. Take public transit or just drive a little less. Get your car tuned up - it improves fuel efficiency. Keep your tires properly inflated - also improves gas mileage. Think before you drive and combine trips. Recycle! Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth. Use phosphate-free laundry soaps. "If it's yellow, let it mellow - if it's brown, flush it down" (left over from the 70's). Consider using cloth diapers. Use energy efficient compact florescent light bulbs. Borrow books from the library. Buy recycled. Buy less. Volunteer for an environmental organization. And have a great weekend!!!


Unknown said...

I hope this cycle is yours girl... you deserve it.

We planted a tree this week, does that count???

ProfCJ said...

Hee, my DP HATES that I don't flush every time :)

Next week? OK. Crossing fingers and resolving to be patient and wait nicely until next week.

Chelle said...

YES, Meg - planting a tree counts! Particularly if it's native to your eco-region. ;)

Groovy, profcj! heehee

I really appreciate your well-wishes, ladies. But I really think I'm okay with whatever happens. hugs!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty bad with recycling but I have a toilet that saves water, it has two setting for different jobs shall we say. My father drilled into my head about not letting the water run while I brush and not taking long showers because we're not that dirty. He was just cheap with water but whatever works. I only drive when I have to and not a huge fan of red meat. I'll keep working on the three R's. About those temps, I'm still crossing my fingers for you. I so hope this is your time. I want to do some dancing around the computer. Take Care.

Vanessa said...

Hey there, I was looking at your FF chart and it seems as if you are preggers! Whats the verdict?