Sunday, July 15, 2007

Moving right along

Only one more week of class!! Tuesday is graduation. I have nearly everything turned in... waiting for a copy of my 1991 divorce decree to arrive from Columbia County, Oregon, and Kobi's dog license to arrive from Maricopa County, Arizona. We're rather spread out...

The little boys who have captured my heart and imagination are still available, but I found out Friday that their file says a preferred home would be two parent. My adoption specialist will talk to their case worker and see if she'll consider me despite the preference. Hopefully I'll know early next week. And HOPEFULLY she'll say yes!

The adoption agency recently told me that they want me to get my foster license as well, which they will put on hold, just in case the "right kids" come along that are not completely legally free but nearly so. If I am not licensed, I won't be considered. I think there are plenty of children that are legally free needing homes, so if I won't be considered for "my boys" (new pixies by the way), I'm sure other little ones will be right. I did start getting all the foster paperwork done as well, so if I change my mind in the next couple months, all I'll need to do is get the home inspection.

I had my homestudy visit last Tuesday. I was surprisingly nervous for it, and didn't even know it until it was over. I was grumpy as hell for two days, but as soon as it was over--and it was a breeze--I was happy, happy, happy!

The marathon training is going really well. Despite the fact that my doctor told me not to run a marathon. He said a half was okay, but not the full. No, nothing wrong with me... he just thinks that everyone who runs a marathon has bad knees and ankles and joints and problems and it's not worth it. He can't understand why anyone would want to run a marathon in the first place. I told him thanks for the advice, but I might not follow it. This is something I've always wanted to do (well, for at least the last 20 years), and it's going to happen.

Back to adoption/foster class homework... one last assignment. Total. That's it. Woohoo!!!


singletracey said...

how exciting!!! The boys are adorable.. I hope it works out for the three of you!!!

battynurse said...

I think I like your doctor. I'm not into running at all. However, I admire those who are able to take on something like a marathon and do it. Good luck. And those boys really are very cute. I hope it works out well.

Unknown said...

Those boys are cuties! How exciting girl... I can't wait for you to be a mommy!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear things are moving along. Very excited for you. I hope everything works out and you get your boys.

Jen said...

Wow, seems likee such a short time ago that you were first talking about this. I can't believe that you're done with all the classes! How wonderful! What lucky boys those will be if they get to join your home!