January 1, 2007. In three days, I turn 43. It's time to take stock and prep for 2007 and my 44th year on earth.
But first, a brief TTC update: 12 DPO. Some slight spotting today. I tested yesterday and got a BFN. I'm not "feelin' it" and expect AF to show tomorrow (a day early). I've been using progesterone cream since the day after my AI, which I thought would possibly cause my luteal phase to lengthen, or at least stay the same. We'll see.
In 2006 I decided to pursue having a baby on my own. I made that decision at the start of the year, and did my first AI in November. I wish I could line up a bunch of accomplishments, but other than some work related successes, my world sucked a little. It was a tough year for Kobi and me. My hopes to have my debts paid by last June were dashed by only February, and they were doubled instead, and have since been doubled again. I'd also planned to keep my body baby-ready throughout the year, but I let Kobi's illnesses and the fact that he couldn't run with me break into my routine. I quit running early in the year. I started eating more comfort foods again. By year end, I think I gained back about 30 pounds.
But I want to keep it positive here... I did move forward with my dream of being a mother--a dream that will change my life completely forever. And I certainly don't want to dwell on the negative. I can lose weight. Do you know how many times I've lost weight? Yeah. A bit of a yo-yo, I am. NOW is not the time to lose weight, but I can revamp my eating and stop gaining weight. I know how to eat healthy. It's just time to do it. A perfect time to do it.
I am beginning this year completely single (apparently and decidedly--still no word from you know who, and if he did call, I wouldn't have any room for him). And I am fine with remaining single throughout the year. But there's a couple of things I'd like to make happen this coming year.
Goals for 2007: Baby. Good physical health. As many fabulous days with Kobi as we can get. Jewelry business off the ground. A water pipeline stopped or significantly mitigated (long story, but my most important work goal).
It's going to be a very full, very busy year. I have a lovely family: parents, sister and two nieces. I have fabulous friends in Phoenix, in Portland and "here" in cyberspace. I have what I need to create a great and fulfilling year and life for myself.
This is gonna be good.
Happy New year to you too. Also happy birthday. I hope we both get our BFP's this year along with all the others from the NW board who are working towards this goal. We all deserve it so much. Oh and thanks for sharing about the blog Looky Daddy. I laugh so hard at that blog, it's hysterical.
Happy Birthday! Just wanted to check on you and see how you are doing today!
Happy Birthday and New year. I LOVE everything about this post. I agree this year is going to be FAB-U-LOUS! Bring on the rash of BFP's...I know they are coming. You have had a jammed packed year, can't wait until this year gets even crazier for you because you working a Big, Beautiful Pregnant Belly. Hugs galore, Chelle my dear...I am so happy to get to know you in 2006....here is to many more blog entries.
Chelle, Happy new year and Happy birthday. Good luck on your BFP :)
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