Tuesday, January 30, 2007

TTC Cycle #4, CD1

Yep. On to the next cycle. #4 is not bad... it's still early in the game, huh? As soon as AF showed, I called the doc's office to schedule my bloodwork and get my script for clomid. I will do a clomid challenge test to check ovarian reserves... blood tests on CD 3 & 10, clomid CD 5-9. I also called the x-ray/imaging place to set up my HSG test for CD 8, a week from today.

That's a funny story. Last month when I decided with my doc that I would do the HSG, I called around for prices. The place she referred me to was going to be $750 out of pocket, because my fabulous Blue Cross Blue Shield will not cover anything remotely "infertility" related. I thanked the people, but kept calling. Several hopeful potential places don't--never did or no longer do--HSG tests. Finally found one, and they said their price was $78. I laughed, he grew uncomfortable... I got his billing department phone number and called them. No, sorry, they don't do HSGs. Well yeah, they do. They were ready to set the appointment and quoted me a (ridiculously low) price. No, we don't do HSGs. Yeah, you do. Who's your boss... So I call the boss. We don't do HSGs. Well then why did that office quote me a price and prepare to schedule me for it?? Oh. Let me call you back...

About a half hour later, the billing department manager called me back (in her husky "I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day" voice, and I'm picturing the lines around her lips, poorly died hair, and leathery skin--it's okay, I'm a former smoker) to say what do you know? That office DOES do HSGs and here're the prices... maybe... $133. Oh, I'd also gotten the medical codes from the first $750 place and compared procedure codes with the cheaper place. The $133 place only uses two of the four codes - no anesthetic and no charge for the catheter/tray.

When I called today to schedule the procedure and asked for the price, it had jumped to $230... My fault, I guess. I told them the competitor charges $750. They'd remembered my call.

I'm all set for cycle #4. Hopefully. I ordered shipment of my last two of nine vials from NWAC. They're set to arrive two days after my HSG test. I'll likely be doing AI between that weekend and the following Tuesday. Unless Clomid really screws me up and delays my ovulation date, which I hear can happen. And as long as my HSG test shows clear fallopian tubes and no problems. Of course the results of the blood tests will be important, too, but won't necessarily change my course of action. Not this month, anyway.

Hopefully I take after my mother and am "biologically ten years younger than my age..." I'll leave the significance of that revelation to another post. ((I'm thinking about you Mom, and I love you.))

Oh, hell. Kobi just coughed again tonight. That's a couple times this week. I dread the idea that his cancer has reached his lungs. He's still eating really well, and his energy is good. The coughing is not consistent, but considering that he normally rarely coughs, twice in just a couple days really scares me. Damn. A friend of mine from work had to pound on her dog's chest this weekend to keep his heart beating... They had a vet appointment today, but I haven't heard whether the vet prescribed a different heart medication or ?? It's so scary and so sad... And makes me cry. And I'm not sure if it's because I feel scared for Jack, sad for my friend, or scared and sad for Kobi and I... probably all of the above.

Sorry to end on a sad series of notes (you have no idea)... I really am hopeful, although awfully crampy and bloated at the moment, about my TTC. I'm sure I'll face whatever Kobi & I have to face as well as can be expected. And the rest, well, will be however it's suppose to be. I'll just hope for the best. Love...


battynurse said...

Good luck with the clomid challenge test, hsg etc. Gee, and they weren't willing to give you the old price considering you tipped them off to the fact that they can be charging more?? That sucks. I worry about the no antesthetic part though. From what I've heard this can be painful?? Do you get any medications? Versed is good. Kind of makes you forget everything, they use it with conscious sedation. I know what you mean about worrying about kobi and the cough. My old cat used to cough constantly but if one of my girlies coughs, I worry it's the beginning of heart failure. Hang in there, you are in my thoughts. Sending you lots of happy vibes and sticky baby dust.

Deena said...

Oh Chelle,
I am sorry about the BFN. But your plans this month sound fabulous! Your are on the right track! Hopefully the HSG and Clomid will do the trick and you will be pregnant in a month. I Guess Tracey, Michelle, you and me can be cycle buddies again! But let's make it the last time for all of us, huh?

I will be praying for Kobi...maybe he just has a cold. It's funny you say he was coughing because my dog coughed several times yesterday and I assumed he was getting a cold! The weather here has been crazy!. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your chin up!

singletracey said...

CRIPES!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry!! I am glad to see that you jumped right back up and called the doc and got rolling on the next cycle!

Can I say I am jealous that you get and HSG?!?!?! I want one!!! I hear they can help with achieving pregnancy.. I think of it like cleaning out the pipes.. the first few days the water just surges down the drain.. think eggs and sperm meeting easily in tubes... no interference :-)

Anyway my dear... HUGS for you and that BFP is coming real soon for the bunch of us!

P.S. HUGS for Kobi bear too!

Vanessa said...

Wow Hun your on top of things! I think thats great. I am sorry to hear that AF showed her ugly face, but hey it also signifies another month of possibilities. Best of luck to you :)

Jen said...

hey chelle, if i don't get lucky within the first few cycles, i may just need to get the name of that imaging place from you...sounds like you got a great price!

S&C said...

Sorry for the bfn :-(
Good luck with the challenge i will keep everything crossed for you ;-)