Thursday, June 07, 2007

Are we there yet?

Absolutely pathetic. No, not you... me. I have days where I can't for the life of me get into the swing of work. Even after having written an article about a campaign being in full swing... it is. Me, not so much. So here I am, procrastinating again.

Mainly I'm posting to my blog because I get lonely when I don't get new comments. No offense to the commentators of my last feeble post... But there wasn't much to say, was there. I gotta say, though, Cheryl, you're about tied with Meg for mainstream queen geeks. Cuz of course y'all are too cool to be regular geeks. And any score over 70-75 I think crowns you as geek royalty.

Okay, well since I'm posting anyway, I'll give a quick update on what's going on adoption-wise. I've made it through week 4 of the 10-week course. I've turned in all of my paperwork except that silly divorce decree I have yet to find or order. I attended a generically titled "Support Group" for foster/adoption last night. We have to attend two before we can be certified - thought I'd get a jump on it. Pretty interesting. One gal was a single mom to three children plus four foster children = SEVEN. Single mom, seven kids. AND she looked sane. Happy even. There was also a couple there that foster infants (FOSTER ONLY, no adoption & INFANTS ONLY - they were adamant). They've fostered 20 infants in two years of being foster parents. They currently have two little girl babies - one a meth baby, the other a crack cocaine and fetal alcohol syndrome baby. And they're content just to love 'em and give 'em back. There were also a couple "therapeutic foster care" folks there. They deal with the toughest cases - the least well-adjusted - and try to get them to a point where they can live in regular foster care or be adopted. THAT would be a tough job. One of the families was a single woman who seemed exceptionally patient and sweet. The other was a couple who seemed a little less able to deal -- they mentioned twin girls they couldn't handle and passed on as well as a little boy they couldn't deal with. Their current little guy has threatened to wreck his room, which the mom replied, "Go ahead. I'll call the cops." Sounds like great parenting to me! Yeah...

Now I don't think I'll go for seven kids, but I'm still thinking siblings would be great, and maybe a baby down the road. I'm ready to help now, though, get some kid(s) out of the system and on the road to healing.

'nuff for now. I've got to settle my ass down and get something done. I go on a two week vacation starting next Wednesday, and need to get a few things in order. OH - before I go, special big hug to Val!!!

And, all, feel free to post more than one comment so I feel especially loved this week!! :)


Cheryl said...

It is so awesome what you are going to do. I wish that we had the opportunity to foster/adopt. We are in an area that has had at least two KNOWN cases of the judges denying adoption or pulling the kids from the home due to gay parenting.

Jen said...


Jen said...


Jen said...


Jen said...

That was bad, I know...Seriously, I admire you jumping in with the adoption process. It's a wonderful thing! Dawn and I would like to adopt as well in a few years. I only got a a 33 on the nerd score - I was hoping for much more!

Supermom said...

Jen stole my idea!!!! Milk-maid had a score of 81, wow she is a major nerd. So did my hubby. I was in foster care. I would have liked someone like you, but I was 14, and trust me you wouldn't have wanted my siblings

Chelle said...

awww, i'm feelin' the love! And look at little Jen's face up there in a row... Cute! I can picture the pompoms, too...

That's just wrong, Cheryl. It's hard to imagine... I know one of the couples in our foster program are gay males. I am not sure whether or not there's any restrictions on gays adopting in AZ, but I'm thinking not.

Supermom! My ex-husband was also a foster kid, along with two of his four siblings - the two youngest got adopted right away. I think he and his sisters were pretty luck in that they wound up with the family that eventually adopted them. (or sorta lucky... it's a long story) I'm learning lots about different situations that kids end up in care, but all suffer some pretty horrendous losses. It's sad.

ProfCJ said...

Yeah, we wanted to adopt, too, but the fear of having the children taken away due to our "immoral lifestyle" was too great. I think it's GREAT when good people can take in's hard enough to be a foster kid without being split apart from the rest of your family.

And that poor boy who wants to trash his room! How hard is it to ask, "huh, why do you want to mess up your room?" instead of offering threats?

You're going to be a faboo momma!

underdog said...

sending good vibes and electronic hugs your way!

Anonymous said...

You're loved!!! I'm just thinking, the kids that will be placed in your home, will be very lucky little ones.

Unknown said...

Hey Chelle!!! Sorry I didn't post on your nerd score... I guess I didn't know what to say :)

But I think it great what you are doing on the adoption deal..... you are going to make a great parent!

Yes, thanks for saying I am a cool nerd:) That makes me feel less.. nerdy!

I am jealous of your 2 week vacation....

battynurse said...

I think I'm jealous of your two week vacation too. I also think it's awesome what you're doing and I think that what ever kid/s you adopt will be super lucky to have you as their parent.

Vanessa said...

Wow it really sounds like you've found your motherhood nitch :) You sound so enthusiastic, envolved and ready to jump in feet first. I hope the adoption process goes quickly and smoothly for you :)

C said...

Chelle, you are loved....hells yeah! I think your plans are simply incredible...I did 1.5 years intership with the social services foster care I know the system well...I admire you. My problem was attachment...emotionally it was crippling me. I know my personal weaknesses. You, however are in support groups, etc....I admire your style and your plans. Any child or children would be Blessed to get you, have SO MUCH love to give!