Friday, August 10, 2007

gains and losses

A potentially good piece of news! The boys' adoption agency requested I send them my homestudy (or rather have my agency send it). So apparently they will consider me, I'm just not sure how seriously. It sounded as though I may have some competition as the woman at their agency said they had several homestudies to go through and they just haven't had time... Okay. Their agency hasn't been very pleasant to deal with up to this point. We'll see if it turns around.

On the bummer side, I fell when running this morning and scraped the shit out of my palms, banged up my knees and torqued my back... I'm suppose to run 10 miles in the morning. We'll see about that, too. (I have a picture of my left palm, which is the worst of my wounds... I could post it, but wouldn't want to alienate you, dear readers and super-supporters. So you'll have to click here to see it.)

If I haven't announced it already, I've lost 10# since I started NS on 7/17. Woohoo!!


kittenroar5 said...

Sorry about your accident! I hope you are feeling better!

And, good news on the boy front. I'm crossing my fingers for you!

battynurse said...

Sorry about the fall. That sucks. Hope that it all heals quickly. Good news on the weight loss and I hope that the thing with the boys goes well. Good luck.

S AND C said...

your hand looks bad!!I am so sorry!

Looking at your homestudy is great news!! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Yuck on your hand... that looks very painful!

Oh and awesome on the adoption front!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, take care of yourself, and good luck with your boys.