Wednesday, March 05, 2008

New Poop

I go hot pink tomorrow, Candace & Marcy. :) I scheduled a trim and pink tendrils. To go with my hot bubble-gum pink toenails. Yay! And here's why...

I gave an official "yes" to CPS and my agency that I am interested in the 11-year-old girl! And/BUT there's a court hearing early next month where a judge will determine whether or not she will be moved from her current placement. The workers want her moved, feeling that the current foster mom isn't doing all she should for the girl - such as getting her to counseling appointments. The lady has also gone back and forth on whether or not she wants to adopt the girl. So it's time to move her. But the judge could decide that she's moved enough already (7 placements since she went into care in 2004!). Although the workers think that if she's not moved now it's just delaying the inevitable.

So it'll be another month before I know whether or not I'm going to be mothering a pre-teen girl. And if the answer is yes, will the current foster mom work with us on a good transition, or will she just say "fine, just take her now," which wouldn't probably be in the child's best interest. So there's a lot I still dunno and won't know for awhile. ...but WOW! I will know in a few weeks. And we all know how both quickly and slowly a month can pass...

So that's my scoop! I suppose I will be changing the name of my blog soon... Maybe I'll hold a naming contest!! I do think that I'll want to adopt a second kiddo in the next 2-3 years, after my first has time to fully adjust. So exciting!!


Jen said...

Oh my gosh, How exciting! What a lucky little girl she will be...and a mom with hot pink hair, how cool is that?!

battynurse said...

Wow, that is very exciting. Good luck and I hope the month goes by quickly.

C said...

Oh, my Goodnes.....see what happens when I got to STINKIN work conferences???? You become a MOTHER!!!! How exciting!!! Keep me posted.....I can't wait to hear the details!!

P.S. The Pink is RAD.
P.P.S. Can you still say RAD?

Unknown said...

Oh how awesome....

I can't wait to see the pink!

S AND C said...

Oh my!!! So exciting!!! I can wait to hear more :-)

C said... is it going, Lady? I miss ya!

ProfCJ said...

crossing fingers for least this doesn't sound like a will-go-to-foster-family automatic deal?!