Monday, May 12, 2008

QUICK catch up *updated*

Nothing to report kid-wise. Not a word. Not a nibble. Na-da. Just super busy with work. My bff has been working on screenplays and documentary narration writing, etc. We shot a music video Saturday that was months in the planning. It's just a fan video that will go on YouTube. I'll post it when it's completed if I'm not too embarrassed... :) I've already decided that because of my work... and because of google... I will not have my name listed in the credits for the video. That's not out of embarrassment, but rather just trying to maintain my professional env*iron*mental advocate status. Anywhoo, I'm looking forward to a short vacation and getting to see my nieces over Memorial Weekend! But now, I gotta get back to work.

UDPATE: Well, wouldn't you know it about two hours after posting I got a call from my adoption worker with 3 possible placements, including one group of 2 siblings. But wow... these kiddos are all really messed up. Of the sibling group, the 5-year-old boy has loud outbursts and meltdowns and wipes feces on the wall. Not sure if the shit-thing was a one-timer or if that's a consistent behavior. The 4-year-old girl also has temper tantrums. Don't know many kids who don't. And I'd hope that with intensive therapy over time, these kids would do better. Also a 6-year-old boy that was termed "emotionally disabled"... which frankly scared me a bit. I passed on him. The third was a soon to be 8-year-old boy who throws tantrums whenever he doesn't get what he wants. He was exposed to alcohol and cocaine in the womb, has ADHD and impulse control problems, and has terrible eating habits (likes junk - won't eat healthy food). I'm suppose to get more info soon so that I can decide whether or not I want to be considered for any of these kiddos. (right now I'm just shaking my head - not as in "no," but rather "wtf am I getting myself into?")


Unknown said...

Good to hear from you!

The Beauty Junkie said...

Nice to hear you check in.

battynurse said...

Glad all is well. good luck with the decisions on the kiddos.

S AND C said...

Wow big choices.
Good luck!

ProfCJ said...

Wow, now there's a group of kids! I think you're right that lots throw tantrums--once you change their environment, set firm rules, and show them other ways to express frustration besides wiping poo everywhere, that might lessen dramatically or vanish. I feel bad for the "emotionally disabled" boy :(

Michelle said...

I hope that the child meant to be with you comes to you soon. Its a lot to think about, but I believe when you come across your child, you will know. Good Luck and keep us updated!

Anonymous said...

Have you considered fostering? I am a fosterparent in your area and I can tell you firsthand the kids you described are hardcore. They really do tend to downplay their behaviors too, so they probably are worse than what you are getting. I am very seasoned and I wouldn't take the behaviors you described. Most of the kids on the website for AZ have been on for years. There really are kids who are not adoptable out there. A good home, loving parent and security doesn't fix hardcore kids. If you fost/adopted you could have a baby or young child without so many issues. I have adopted 3 children this way since we became licensed 2 years ago. We got two of our kids as babies and the third as a preschooler. You can meet other fosterfamilies this way and network, not all of us want to adopt. The kids you described (and I know other families who were presented the same kids but turned them down) do have those isses plus some. Look at the website CHAASK, it is al the adoption disruptions of hard to place kids whose families had the best intentions. Just be informed._

The Beauty Junkie said...

Wow that is a heavy decision.