Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What the ****?

Oh, LORDY, ladies (and gents)! This motherhood thing is totally kicking my ass. J moved in on 12/18 - so it's been less than 1 month. We had a couple days home, then a week in Seattle with family, then home for the rest of the week, and school started. We're mid-way through her second week of school.

Where to begin? Okay, TANTRUMS with a capital T which rhymes with pee and that's a problem, too... nearly daily tantrums that include kicking, screaming, pounding feet, flailing on the floor, running through the house screaming, hitting things, kicking doors and walls, pushing the furniture around... Also usually included defiance of any requests (take your meds, go to your room, sit down, chillax, stop screaming in my ear). What sets her off? The word "no." She's completely absorbed in herself & what she wants. Is any of this surprising given that I'm her 10th placement and she's had 3 adoption disruptions so far due at least in part to behaviors? No. Was ALL of this clearly identified for me prior to placement? No. Did I ask all of the right questions and demand answers? Maybe not entirely. Do I feel at least partly duped by the system? Yes.

BUT - I've hopefully made it abundantly clear that in order to avoid yet another disruption, we need help. We need services. And that is FINALLY starting to happen.

Last Sunday a behavior coach came in, and we'll have regular visits starting in another week. We had our first appt with her new regular counselor today. Our "stabilization team" is now on the case, so I can call 24/7 - either to the team or to the crisis line - if I feel I need any help at all. I also have a family support person who will work directly with me to find coping skills so I don't burn out. I also have an advocate with my adoption center (in addition to my regular worker) who helps to ensure I get what I need - and that I'm asking for what I need. I've seen her once, and we have a second appt. tomorrow. I haven't seen my family support person yet, and the stabilization team will come out on Saturday for interviews and planning.

So at first there was no help - no support. And now we have it in abundance (maybe - we'll see if everyone shows up when they say they will, answers the phones during crisis, etc.).

The trip north for Christmas was okay. Poor dear didn't impress anyone. My mom is still supportive (not that my sister & dad are not, just much less enthusiastic), but she's as flumoxed as I as to just what to do with J - how to handle her behaviors. But J just isn't what my family hoped I would get. She's maybe not what I had hoped for either (sorry, just being honest), but I feel that's probably somewhat typical of older placements and I've done my share of grieving already. I was initially set - no matter what happens, it's her and I... Then the more extreme behaviors started and I felt unsupported and at a complete loss wondering whether or not I could do or even wanted to anymore. Today the folks with the white hats have shown up and I figure we might just make this work...

Pee - nightly, and sometimes daytime as well. But we just started a new plan yesterday of nightime bedwetting medication (an anti-diuretic). If that's not helping with increased doses weekly in about a month, then we can add an additional medication. We may also get a vibrating alarm watch that will go off every two hours and discipline J to use the bathroom during the day. And if she is extremely motivated to end the nighttime wetting, we can get a powerful vibrating alarm to shake her awake at the first sign of urine. These efforts should HOPEFULLY help her to be fairly consistently dry day and night within 4 to 6 months. But I can't say she's truly motivated yet. Something to work towards, though.

Attitude - with another capital letter A. She could put most teens to shame with this one (just as she puts toddlers to shame with her tantrum aptitude). I can honestly say that no one has ever been quite as mean to me - terrorizing even - as she has been to me. But, you know, it's not personal. She hates what I represent - failed parenting. Not that I'm failing necessarily - though she's working at it. That's what she expects. She's been able to wear down (and out) EVERYONE else. My goal is to hang in there and hope she straightens out with my guidance and consistency.

First, though, I need more practice not reacting to her misbehaviors. I'm expecting a tantrum this evening because I told her she can't play with the neighbor girls unless she finishes her homework (yesterday she didn't do her homework). She knows it, but she'll likely try to push it. But we need to turn things like play time around to not be her "right" that is sometimes taken away, but rather a "reward." So I'm sure I can begin "not reacting" tonight.

Soo, soo, soo much is happening. And I'm exhausted. And work is suffering. (Can you say "distraction"? Yesterday I got a work call and was completely thrown off -- the previous 3 calls had been J related. Had to stop work early Monday for a J-team meeting. Had to take time off to get her to the doctor's yesterday. Had to take time off for the counselor today. Will have to take time off tomorrow for one of the support workers. ...nothing Friday, I don't think... Stabilization team scheduled for after J's hip hop/tumbling class on Saturday.)

I'm honestly not sure how often I'll log into the blog (and sorry for not keeping up with all that's going on for my friends!! I've been really J-absorbed lately.), but if I get a few check-ins, reminders, I'll try to head back here to catch up.


battynurse said...

See and the last week I've been trying to figure out whom I could e-mail that might have your e-mail address to check on you.
I'm so sorry it's been so difficult. You are an amazing strong woman. I hope that the helpers are able to help you find a way to make this work for both of you. If you ever need to talk e-mail me and I can get you my phone number if you need it. battynurse at gmail dot com. Take care.

Unknown said...

Wow... you are one strong lady. Alot of people wouldn't even attempt what you are doing. Hang in there and all you can do is try. I am so sorry it is so difficult and I hope those people can help out. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

You have your hands full. As a mom with both the tantrum-ing toddler and the temperamental teens. I have great respect for what you are trying to give to J. As a former foster kid myself, I can tell you it is about proving to her that you will keep her no matter how bad her behavior is. I didn't have the same level of rebellion, but pretty close. I pushed to see if they would push back or just send me away. You are doing great getting all the help available to you both. I hope that she settles soon and realizes that you want what is best for her and that no amount of tantrums will sway your boundaries. Keep firm. I know it's hard! But it's for her own good.

C said...

I agree with Marcy, you ARE one strong lady! I am pulling for you, M. Needless to say you prob have moments of what do I do now! I wish i had any magic answers I don't. But I know I am here for any venting or sounding off you may want to do. I am here, anytime!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!!! I am a foster and adoptive mom in AZ too and this is just so sad. I would love to say that time will fix the behaviors but it sounds like she has RAD and some other lasting issues. You are not alone if this situation doesn't work out and it doesn't mean you did anything wrong. Sometimes kids can't be fixed. My advice is that you only live one life and only you can determine if this is the way you want to live. You need to search your heart to see if you want to live the way you are living now, since she most likely will not change. If you want a loving mother/daughter relationship, you probably won't get it no matter how much intervention is done. I hate to sound bleak, but I have been doing this for a long time, and have friends who have been doing this longer. I have adopted 3 kids from our state without any issues, just initial delays. Please email me and I will give you my number. I would love to talk to you about this rollercoaster you are on, the ones I have been on and get you involved in the foster/adopt community so you know you aren't alone. fostadoptnaz at yahoo dot com

Jen said...

Oh Chelle, I'm so sorry that you were dealt this tough hand. I do agree with anonymous though that you should decide if this is the life you want to live...and not feel bad if it isn't. You are a strong lady but it does sound like you were not given all the information. If this is not what you wanted it certainly doesn't mean that you're a failure. The system failed this girl a long time ago and while that's horribly tragic, it's also hard to imagineit that the responsibility of fixing everything and making this girl whole again is yours. Not saying that it couldn't be done... it's just going to be long long road if it is fixable. My bro and SIL fostered for awhile here in AZ and the girl was very troubled. They finally had to let her go and it did not end well (and my SIL has a background in child pyschology and development so you'd think it wouldn't be a problem for her!). Anyway, if you devide to stick with it, I sure do hope that those groups offering support come through and do some good. Please know that you are in our thoughts!

dreambaby said...

You are amazing! And I agree, this sounds like it may be Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). I'm glad you are pursuing help. Stay strong!

ProfCJ said...

Oh, man. **** indeed. I'm sorry that the extent of the issues was not revealed to you fully, because at least then you could have started to prepare yourself for the challenges ahead.

Consistency and firmness are going to be your friends. If she's tantruming in front of you to provoke a reaction, I would suggest sending her to her room (which you may need to strip of anything that can do major damage if thrown or smashed and stock with a lot of pillows) to calm down. It's her room, and she can scream all she wants in there--or some such arrangement. If she chooses to destroy her belongings while in there, well, it's her stuff and her choice.

Navigating The Rapids said...

You are one tough cookie. Hang in there. I'm glad you are getting a the support you need. We're here for you no matter what happens, so keep us posted and if you want to vent my number is still the same.

S AND C said...

I am so sorry its difficult. You are so strong and amazing for doing this! I hope you get ALL the help you need!

onemorebaby said...

How are you? Are you hanging in there? Have things settled down/gotten easier for you and J?

Wanted you to know you have friends over here! Hugs!

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