Monday, July 23, 2007

Me and My Arrow

Can't believe I've been so absent lately! With so much going on! Maybe that's why...

I still don't know whether "the boys" caseworker will consider me, a single parent, for their adoption. I'm hoping to know by midweek.

I graduated from the PS-MAPP training for adoption/foster care last week. And I have all of my paperwork in for adoption certification. I should be certified sometime between Sept 1 and Oct 1.

I'm still marathon training and did 6 miles on Saturday. Weekends are my long runs, gradually easing up to two 20-mile runs in October. Next weekend will be 8 miles. Eek! I don't think I've ever done more than a 10K (6.2 miles) in my life!

I saw Sicko last weekend, finally. I'm about to go into an anti-war rant, which was not what the film was about... so anywho, if you'd like to sign a petition that asks senators and representatives to vote for free health care for uninsured children, click here.

Finally, I've started *N*u*t*r*i*S*y*s*t*e*m*s*... a couple days into it. Found I was just having a hell of a time getting back into the swing of portion control and healthy eating. I wouldn't say that this is exactly healthy eating with everything being pre-packaged, except for the fruit, vegetables and dairy/protein that you have to supplement. But it is a great guide for portion control and balanced nutrition. And so far I've only hated the reconstituted scrambled eggs. Everything else has at least been decent, and I really liked the pasta primavera I had for dinner last night. SO - only 44 pounds to lose... Currently 219, goal 175.

Alrighty - I'd better get back to work! ...right after I check out what my blogger pals have been up to... :)

P.S. in last week's final PS-MAPP class, we were introduced to two kiddos that were in need of adoptive families. One of the two boys, aged 11, was named Arrow. I immediately broke into Harry Nilsson... Not sure my classmates were familiar with the reference. Oh, well....


battynurse said...

Good luck with the eating plan. I've thought of trying that one before but I hate onions and peppers and have such a hard time finding premade food without those items. I'm afraid I wouldn't like any of the food. Good luck with getting your boys.

Anonymous said...

Waving pom poms over here! Cheering you on with the weight loss. Guess like we're all going to be eating a lot of bunny food.

S AND C said...

wow sounds like everything is going well! Good luck with the eating plan!

Unknown said...

You do sound very busy... Good luck with your running and your eating stuff. I have run 3 half marathons... but never a full marathon. The halves weren't too bad, but I am not so sure about a full. Good luck girl! Can't wait to hear more about your adoption stuff!

ProfCJ said...

Happy graduation!!!