Friday, September 14, 2007

Hold on tight!

Okay, first off: WWAAAAHHHHH!!!! I'm in such a poopy mood today! and yesterday. I think it may in part be hormone related, but work is just pissin' me off. And not so much the work itself... although there's too f'ing much of it. But the people. And the lack of recognition and respect and consideration. Found out a good friend and former co-worker was essentially forced out of her position. And something that I thought was going to happen for me not only didn't, but it turned out practically opposite. I feel underpaid and under-appreciated. Times 10. And I can look forward to having to work pretty much through my weekend. Woo!

Deep breath... My adoption specialist has still been unable to talk to the boys' caseworker, but she indicated she was going to try to get ahold of the caseworker's supervisor to find out what's going on. I'd also inquired about looking at kiddos from out-of-state. I'll have to pay about $40 for each home study sent to out-of-state caseworkers. But I did find out that any subsidies that come with the kids goes across state lines, too. Must be a federal subsidy... Not that I was counting on getting money, but it would certainly help with childcare and the college funds.

On a totally positive note, the running has been going great. My weight doesn't seem to want to budge, but no worries. I'm smaller and can fit into some of my old clothes (the transition clothes between almost skinny and really fat--my closet ranges from size 12 to 18/XL, so I'm in some of my 16s now, and one of my over-sized 14s).

Good news - I'm in a better mood already. Maybe because it's after 6pm on a Friday night and I can legitimately quit working now. Or maybe because I blew off some steam. Or maybe because I reminded myself of the nuggets of positive things. I just feel better. Thanks for taking the mood-swing journey with me!!


Cheryl said...

I hope that things start looking up for you. I am sure that the right child(ren) are out there waiting for you. Congrats on losing some inches.

SJayneI said...

Glad you're feeling better. Isn't it funny how typing out our feelings to complete strangers and a healing and calming effect?

ProfCJ said...

It's all about the size! I totally gauge my weight loss according to tape measure rather than scale because heaven knows that fluctuates from minute to minute...

battynurse said...

Well this is the right place for a mood swing journey. It does help to type it all out and vent a bit. Hope the job stuff starts looking up a bit. Great job on the weight loss. That is truly fantastic. And whatever child(ren) you do find will be very lucky to have you. You will be a great mom.

kittenroar5 said...

Good luck with the case worker! And I feel you on the job... you echoed some of recent thoughts exactly.

Anonymous said...

Here's to getting into your skinny clothes.

singletracey said...

HEY YOU! Glad the running is still going good! You know, it is all about fitting in the clothes baby!!!

I honestly can not wait for the day you post about placement!!