Thursday, September 20, 2007


Jus' so nobody worries, thought I'd post a big "I'm here but running madly about in circles, hair flying, plastic-comb bound books dusting a paper dandruff trail..."

I'm bound for DC on Saturday morning, so plan to try to jog my 16 miles tomorrow morning. Have buckets of work to do before I leave, and I won't be back until Wednesday. While in DC, I plan to do some site-seeing, although it may just end up being 4 hours in the Smithsonian. Will meet up with some of my congressional delegates or their staff on Monday/Tuesday (aka lobbying). And then to the airport about 4 am Wednesday to fly back. Ewww.

Here's to hoping: I get through my long jog tomorrow; I get my work done before I leave; and the Hilton has exercise facilities so I can work out on the road--running downtown Phoenix at 4 in the morning is scary enough... don't think I want to tackle the streets of DC. Cheers!!


Anonymous said...

Have a great trip.

battynurse said...

I hope all goes well in DC and with you jog. wow, 16 miles.

Michelle said...

YEAH!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hope you had a good trip and you are doing well! Miss ya!