Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wouldn't it be nice...

Man, I've got nothin' to report... Haven't heard anything about anything. Oh, except that I can state my official date of certification was 8/18, my sister's birthday. So that makes it memorable. Otherwise, nada.

Work is tough... good, but tough. How to get a region of communities to work together regarding water resources, growth planning and habitat conservation? Rare that it works out. But we keep trying. Gotta have hope.

Everything on the diet and exercise front is going just fine. I'm really hoping to break 200# in the next couple weeks. Let's say by 9/20! My run on Saturday will be 14 miles. (shoot me)

I haven't spoken of men in quite some time, and gotta say that I rarely think of them, or rather, that I have much need of one. I did entertain hooking up with a former beau who's let me know he's available for such activities, but haven't done it. And now with the Z*lift I've been taking I'm not sure I'd enjoy it all that much. I really feel absolutely fine with moving forward with my life as a single woman and single mother. Not sure I'd even want to "hassle" with a partner. Now, having said that, I am extremely jealous of my blogger friends who are in wonderful, committed relationships... How nice would that be? I have never experienced it. I don't think I'm even open to it at this point. ...wouldn't know what it looked like, for me, if it hit me square in the face. That doesn't mean I can't have a fulfilling life and family, though. Thank goodness!!

I'm SO GLAD my life is no longer on hold and is instead moving toward a wonderful goal of motherhood! That's not to say I don't occasionally feel totally freaked about the prospect as well. That happens almost daily - "holy shit, I could be a mom any day (month)... that's gonna be really, really tough..." But it will be really, really fabulous as well.

I feel so joyous tonight finding out that Rajen will be mommies!!! And the lovely posts of Jen's belly (and her teeny tiny feet)! Just feelin' warm all over....


RaJen said...

Awe, shucks! Thanks so much for posting us! It may seem like nothing is happening in your neck of the woods, but watching your journey, I see miracles flickering all over the place! You are THIS CLOSE!

battynurse said...

I understand what you are saying about men. I rarely find myself thinking about them anymore (big change from 2 years ago) and more often than not, it seems like more of a hassle than it's worth unless I found someone truly and amazingly wonderful. As far as the mom thing, we can do it. And wow, you do have quite the situation since once you find out it will happen much quicker for you than those of us who have to wait for the arrival.

singletracey said...

Men.. what is that? A friend of mine asked me the other day if I was dating. I said no and that I have no desire to. There was time I would say that and not mean it.. But right now I ABSOLUTLY mean it!

Have a good weekend girl and keep up the good work on the running! You are a rockstar!!

Jen said...

Aw, thanks for the shout out to my tiny feet and not-so-tiny belly! You have a great attitude Chelle. It never ceases to amaze me how many wonderful, strong and independent women I know of that are single and I think "man, there are just some really dumb guys out there 'cuz why are they not scooping these ladies up? They just don't know what they're missing out on!"
I believe that your road to motherhood is nearing it's destination and you will have your little one/s soon. And what a terrific mom you will be!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're in a great place. Can't wait till I get there.