Saturday, March 17, 2007

One Mean Mother

It's hot. Really f'ing hot!! It's been close to 100 for the last two days. This past winter was the hottest on record globally. And it looks like spring is going to be pretty brutal as well. I HATE summer in the SW... and it's only March. If I didn't love my work, and the abuse, I'd be back home in the NW.

Abuse. I knew it was going to be a rough meeting, but I went into it with a positive attitude knowing this was just part of the job. It was a Forest Service scoping meeting about opening some roads into an endangered bird's habitat. The "locals," apparently all ORV enthusiasts, insisted they should be able to drive wherever they want whenever they want--screw the critters. My differing opinion was met with such comments as "get a life" and "you tree-huggers, you should all be shot." Her name was Marge, and she was probably a 75-year-old grandma. I asked her to have some respect. She emphatically said "no." Fun times.

Went to a Pakistani kite festival today. There were maybe 50 people there; four food vendors, including the Vienna Beef hot dog guy; one retail vendor with tops, purses, earrings, shoes and pillow covers; and one kite occasionally flying furiously in the air. I went with a friend who's been to the festival, called Basant Mela, in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park where thousands of festival-goers feast on delicious Indian and Pakistani dishes, fly kites, and party. This was not that. But at least nobody had their throat slit. We celebrated after about a half hour of disappointment at a nearby Indian restaurant and partook of a delicious buffet. I was completely satiated.

And then I came home for a nap. I've been an utter lump ever since. I'll have to do all my laundry and house work tomorrow, I guess. I've been fairly oblivious to the TWW until today. I'm about a week down. I'll probably test next Saturday at 12 DPO. That's too long to wait and entirely unfair. But oh, well...


singletracey said...

UGH.. sorry it was so brutal! Hopefully you will get the housework done as well as some rest this weekend.

I'm wishing for the BFP for you!!!!

singletracey said...

P.S. My dad is in AZ right now and he called yesterday and told me it was 102 where he was at... I was like "GOOD GOD!" It is only March!!!

LOL Stay cool!

battynurse said...

So very glad I'm not in Arizona. I don't like the heat much. That sounds awful. Hang in there and take care. Sending lots of BFP wishes your way.

Jen said...

I'm right there with you on the F'ing hot weather right now. It's ridiculous. I don't even want to think about how it's gonna get if it's this hot already. Which is why DP and I can't wait to move to the NW. We're both willing to take a pay cut to get the hell out of here but still lots to do in the way of our getting some projects done on the house, figuring career changes, etc. But one day....!
Sorry your meeting was so brutal. I know it's really frustrating dealing with people like that, but I think it's common to see people like that who can't debate their point intelligently, but just resort to name calling and nasty comments. Well, I'm sure you handled it with tact.
Good luck in the TWW and have patience. I'm SO rooting for you this cycle.
BTW, haven't seen Matt's son lately and I think I've only seen him in pictures on the wall. Obviously he was licking the chocolate syrup dispenser? Too funny!

S&C said...

Wow that is hot!!!!!!!
Hope the tww goes by fast for ya and you get a bfp at the end :-)

Sarah said...

hi, thanks for your comment on my blog. you'd think i'd just be happy about the positive hpt, but after all this time it's just hard to believe (and risk getting my hopes up). all the comments have really helped me try to get in the moment and enjoy it.

i hope the rest of the 2ww flies by for you, and good luck this cycle! i look forward to checking back in with you.

Jen said...

Chelle, how's it going with you? I've missed you, you haven't posted in awhile. Hope everything's going well and that you're MIA 'cuz you're experiencing pregnancy fatigue. Did you test today?? Let us know!

Anonymous said...

I would love some heat. I can't wait till June, which is when it starts to really warm up around here. Hope you 2ww ends with a BFP! Good Luck!

C said...

Hot is right..AZ gets HOT. Only plus humidity. Here in Florida lately it has been mid 90's BUT the humidity makes it feel like it is 200 degress! Geesh! Ok, Chelle Let's go on a trip to Alaska together & chill out!