Sunday, March 11, 2007

Waiting on a wonder

I did finally dig out of my depths of despair and rejoin humanity!! Thanks, all. Boy I hope I don't have to do clomid again. It truly wrecked me this time. But, like I said, I feel better now, and more positive and rational and hopeful.

I JUST finished my first AI for this cycle. And it felt a bit more skilled and problem-free this time. Or maybe I just didn't worry as much. Whatever it was, I feel good. Switched donors this cycle and hope that it makes a difference. I'm having a little ovulation discomfort, but not the cramping yet. I planned to start using OPKs today, but my monitor went to peak today so... AI'd tonight at about 13.5 hours past monitor peak. I'll do it again in the morning at about 24 hours past... or wait until noon for 29 hours past. I keep trying to change up my timing a little to maybe better nail the egg. But it's such a crapshoot, so who knows. At least I feel like I'm doing everything I can think of to make this work.

I bought syringes and catheters this week. Not sure when I'll get them. I'll have an overabundance of syringes, so if anybody needs some, let me know--I bought 100. I'm splitting the 50 catheter purchase with somebody, and will only have 25 for myself... hahaha. Yeah. I don't plan on doing this for another full year, but I can't tell you today how long I may keep it up. I'll let you know if I decide I can part with a catheter or two.

I had breakfast this morning with a friend at my favorite place -- Matt's Big Breakfast. (Jen, it's on 1st St & McKinley if you haven't been there.) Fabulous stuff - lots of organic vegetables, cage-free eggs and local preserves. Very yummy. Made my weekend complete! (Picture to right and above are of Matt's taken a couple weeks ago.)

Kobi (thanks for asking, Michell) is doing great! His mouth is completely healed. That's not to say that the cancer won't regrow because the margins weren't clean, but it doesn't appear to be growing yet, and all the tissue looks really healthy. I feel more and more hopeful that he'll be hanging around for at least another 6 months to a year or more! I'm glad we didn't do chemotherapy. He continues to have lots of energy and a great appetite. And he hasn't coughed at all in a couple weeks.
Mom is doing well, and my dad will be able to go with her to Boston for the exam and hopefully treatment of her pancreatic cysts. Which means she'll be well-taken care of, and I can stay here and speak at a gathering outside the legislature instead. Mom's appt. is a week from Tuesday. My little sister is having cysts removed from her breast this coming Thursday. I feel bad that I'm so far away. But I'll just be here waiting out my two weeks and trying not to stress too much.

Okay, feels like the cramping is coming. Let's hope for at least 2 good cage-free eggs to fertilize!


Jen said...

Hey Chelle, oh I know right were Matt's is! As soon as I pulled up your blog, I was looking at those pics trying to see what the photos were before I read anything and I knew right away, "That's Matt's!" Wonderful food, and the best bacon I've ever had though I guess you wouldn't be ordering that. Honestly we've only eaten in there once. Since it's so tiny and there's always a wait, we've learned to call in for take out and they really do a nice take out- very nice containers, fancy silver plasticware. And since I live so close, the food is still nice and hot when I get home. I get a little thrill out of calling ahead and walking right in, getting my food and walking back out past the hungry, waiting crowd eyeing my bag longingly. Mean, ain't I?! Oh well, I won't be visiting Matt anytime soon as I can't even begin to imagine how many Weight Watchers points are in the Hog & Chick!
Funny we're so close...we'll have to get together for a happy hour sometime after we're both out of the TWW. Of course, best hope would be that we both are preggo and will both be drinking non-alcoholic beverages! Good luck on your AI. I'm being good this time and not testing - I'm 10 DPO. I figure I'll just wait and see if AF comes.

Anonymous said...

You've survived Clomid and I hope it ends in a BFP! Good luck!

Momai said...

It sounds like you're doing much better. Glad the clomid blahs are passing, and that everything else is going so well! We're rooting for you!

battynurse said...

Glad you are feeling better and I hope this works and you will be in the 9 month wait. Glad Kobi is doing good too.

Rachel said...

DUH. I just commented on an old post of yours because I am not good at getting around in blogspot and didn't realize there were more recent updates. I'll look through what you've posted and see if you mention your devices!