Monday, May 07, 2007


I basically blew off the afternoon today. My good girlfriend had her hair colored and I went to offer support and many ooohs and aaahs. Spectacular shade of cherry bomb red! Her hairdresser was about as warm as a light pole in Prospect Creek, Alaska. But man could she do color. I took some work-related reading materials, but only read one page - cuz I didn't want to be rude...

Monday nights are special. Heroes at 8. The Riches at 10. And then, since I'm up, I watch Jon Stewart and the Colbert Report. Uh, huh. And now it's after midnight and I should be sleepin'. But not before I let you in on 7 random and/or little known facts about me. Thanks for the tag, Meg... err, Marcy. And like Michell, I don't know 7 bloggers to tag who haven't already been tagged. Val?? You're it!! Candace?? And Jen!

1) I am a flaming, bleeding-heart liberal.
2) I wear a size 12 women's shoe!
3) I was 5'4" when I was 10.
4) I LOVE Crazy Jim's pizza and Matt's Big Breakfast! Hell, I love food.
5) I was married when I was 21, separated at 24 and divorced at 27.
6) I was valedictorian at my H.S. graduation. But obviously not smart enough (see #5).
7) My first dog's name was Tippy. My first (of thankfully only two) parakeet's name was Sam ("I think him Sam" -- I was 4). My first cat's name was Mittens. The cat gave the parakeet a heart attack. My folks gave the dog away and told me she ran away because I didn't play with her enough (my mother denies ever having said that to this day). And my dog threw the cat out the garage door's window by the tail, broke her leg, and then had to pay to fix the window and her broken leg. Whoo! Fun times.

OOps. 8) I don't know where that came from. I call re-do.

7) I was in a band from 1993 to 1994 -- backup vocals and percussion. I was "fired," but I like to blame artistic differences. The guitarist was so pissed he quit on my behalf. It is true that we had been sleeping together.


Unknown said...

Thanks for playing along! You are too funny! :)

battynurse said...

Oh, I have a similar pet situation from when I was a kid. I had a dog when I was little (3-4)that I was told died and of course at that age I believed she died because I saw her eating the grass where the poisonous musrooms were and she must have ate a mushroom. By the time I was 15 I really never thought about her much until my mom admitted to me that my dad had shot her because she was going into the neighbors house and stealing anything she could find. yup, could have lived out my life without that info. I remember being SO pissed about it.

TK said...

I love Heroes & like the Riches too! :)

The Mother Hen said...

I moved my blog to

battynurse said...

Hey Chelle, berrymom said to ask you about when you had your sperm shipped to Seattle at Christmas. Did you and did NW give you a lot of grief about it? I'm thinking about having mine shipped to Fresno and doing IUI down here. Thanks.

S&C said...

Love your 7 things :-) now i know you lots better :-)

singletracey said...

Sometimes you just need to blow off a day! Hope your doing better my dear!

Thanks for sharing the info.. I love this game!!