Tuesday, May 01, 2007

3 little letters I could do without

This was from Sunday morning. Six days late. Monday, seven days late, I called my doctor's office and asked if I shouldn't have a blood test so I could go off the prometrium. Doc, by way of her assistant, said she'd prefer I just wait until Friday. Maybe I'll start AF by then. If not, test again. If negative, which I presume it will be, then we'll decide what next. I feel bloaty and a teeny bit crampy. But absolutely no break through bleeding. At this point I'd give myself about 0.5% chance of being pregnant, but because there's that 0.5%, I won't just quit the prometrium. Need to be 100% sure.

A little frustrating (and disappointing) to say the least.


Unknown said...

I am sorry :( But, like you have heard a million times... it isn't over! There is still hope! Keep us posted Chelle. I still have my fingers crossed for you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Chelle, I hate those digitals, nothing worse than having it spelled out.

singletracey said...

I am sorry..... Hope the week goes by quickly for you so that you can have your answer. BIG HUGS

S&C said...

i am sorry. That suck:-( Being late while ttc is thw wrost ever!!

battynurse said...

I'm so sorry. I too hope the week goes by quickly and you have an answer soon.

sasha said...

Hey Chelle, thanks for checking up on me...All my fingers and toes remain crossed for you.

ProfCJ said...

Still no AF? How frustrating. Maybe it's just a late implanter!

Jen said...

Oh Chelle, that just plain sucks. I'm so sorry!
However, it ain't over yet! I got a "not pregnant" the day after I got my first "pregnant." The body does strange things, and you're so late, so there's still hope!
Thanks for your comment on my blog - you cracked me up with your realization that I would have a boy. I wondered what you meant by that at first ("how does she know?") then I realized of course, my subject matter! Well, I may not have been on the ball, but I finally got it! (ok, that was really really bad).

Deena said...

So, any news?
Have you tested again?