Thursday, April 05, 2007

A, B, C, D, E, G... what, no F?

I am pleased to report that the clomid did not completely f*ck me up this cycle! I definitely still had a dip in mood for a couple days, but no major hell to speak of. My favorite donor wasn't available, so I went with the choice I used last time. Hoping for a cute, curly-haired little one... or any little one...

I've been really busy with work lately, and, I guess, not very "talkative" for awhile now. It might do me well to write about all I'm going through, but I feel like I want to keep it bottled up. I don't want to go on and on about the same things, the same questions, week after week... I decide and un-decide. Why pain anyone else with my indecision. But I really don't freakin' know what to do next. Leaning toward adoption. Feeling almost convinced of that. But then I start mourning not having a baby... and I haven't even done my latest/last AI yet! ugh...

SO. Kobi's doing great still. Appetite, energy, attitude - all good. It's been five months since his surgery, and still no metastasis. Yay! And the three cats are all fine. Just realized two of the kitties are eight! I found 'em just a couple months after I moved to Phoenix, and that was eight years ago February. Crazy. Can't believe I've been here that long. Wonder when I'll get back to the NW... So far no plans. My job is too cool to walk away from at this point, and I feel too invested in the campaigns I'm running. We had a front page, above the fold article with color photos in last Tuesday's paper in Prescott. Woohoo! (Can't buy that kind of advertising...)

OH - was just reminded of the one major side effect I've noticed with clomid this time... HOT FLASHES! Big time. Right now. uck...


Unknown said...

So glad to hear about Kobi!

Good luck on this AI...this may be the one!

Hot flashes aren't fun.... hope they go away quickly :)

battynurse said...

Glad to hear Kobi is doing good and that clomid wasn't too awful for you. Good luck with the AI this time. And if you need to, vent away or talk out whatever you need to.

ProfCJ said...

Yay for Clomid being only the Diet Coke of Evil (tm Austin Powers) this cycle!

S&C said...

YAY i am glad Kobi is doing so great :-)
Also glad to here clomid is not kicking your a$$
Good luck this month!

C said...

I was so happy to hear an update about "our" Kobi. Sounds like he still beating the odds. I like his style. Clomid from what I hear can be a living Hell...I hope your hot flashes are over soon.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.