Friday, April 13, 2007

So It Goes.

Well, this is NOT good news. My temp stayed low this morning, presumably 2DPO, or at least 3 days past my peak. I'm suppose to start a prescription of prometrium today, but I don't see the point if I didn't ovulate. I'm gonna wait until my temp goes up. But at this point, it seems this cycle was a bust, along with the $800 for sperm, shipping and supplies. I will let my blogger buddies know if things turn around and I get respectable temps tomorrow morning, but if not it looks like I'm going on a couple month hiatus. I probably will not check or contribute to other blogs as much--we'll see. I'll do some homework and try to get straightened around and report what I am thinking, finding and deciding.

If anyone needs any AI supplies - syringes and catheters - let me know! I have a bunch!! Or email me any time: tuzigoot2001 at go dot com.

So let's divide up the wealth more fairly than we have divided it up so far. Let's make sure that everybody has enough to eat, and a decent place to live, and medical help when he needs it. Let's stop spending money on weapons, which don't work anyway, thank God, and spend money on each other. It isn't moonbeams to talk of modest plenty for all... --Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Goodnight, Kurt, you lucky devil. You will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Well to be the voice of optimism, on my BFP cycle my temps sucked. In fact I didn't think I ovulated until two days after the insem, but low and behold it worked. So ya never know what's happening in the tubal highway. I've got everything crossed for you.

battynurse said...

I too have everything crossed. Hope that the temps start doing their thing right.

Unknown said...

I am sorry about the temp thing. I never did well at temping so... maybe you really did ovulate and your temps just aren't reflecting that. Keep your hopes up girl... I am rooting for you.

S&C said...

oh i will miss you blogging.
Do what you need to do for you thought. Just know you will be in our thoughts.