Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Dare I say it?

I'm sitting here at the edge of the end of my TWW.... I've had very light spotting for days. Unusual. Today it's normal, the day before I start I usually have a little light spotting. Twelve to 24 hours later, it feels like my uterus is falling out. That lasts for just a day, and I wind down totally in about three more days. I don't normally have many premenstrual symptoms. No cramping. May get a zit or two, and I did get one on my neck yesterday which has all but disappeared today. Breasts are still huge and tender, but not as tender as a week ago. Normal tenderness for the day before my period should start.

I have tested. I've tested every day for the last three days. First pee. BFN. Negative. Nope. And that's okay, it's still early. I still might be. I should know by tomorrow. If still no period tomorrow, then I'll buy a couple digital tests--I've been using cheap/practically free test sticks.

Also, my cervix seems pretty darn high up for being the day before my period. I can't tell you anything more about it... I can't find it!

And I woke up about 3:00am feeling like I was about to puke. But I just laid there until I fell back to sleep. That could have been the Doritos I ate just before bed...

But then there's my temp! I thought for sure it would drop significantly by this morning. It has always (for the past four months) dropped by 13 DPO. I have a 13 day luteal phase. But it's still up there. So maybe? This is a killer! I can be so realistic and calm and fine with it not working out this cycle. But WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF I WAS PREGGO!??!!!! OMG! ...calm down...

Myself and at least two other women from the NWAC board are getting together this evening and meeting for the first time! There's about ten of us in the Phoenix area, and one in Tucson. We plan to try again in January to get a few more people, including one lady who will be here from Idaho for a week. I'm very excited about tonight!

Well... I'll keep you posted. I expect EVERYBODY'S fingers to be crossed!!!

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