Monday, December 25, 2006

Holiday Ho-Hums & Ha-ha-ha's

Actually it's been a perfectly fine day. Did nothin' much. Well, the folks, sister, 9-year-old niece and I went to see Happy Feet. (Twenty-month-old niece went visiting with her dad.) Then came home and made and ate dinner. Completely overstuffed myself! I think if I'd forgone the large buttery salty popcorn and medium root beer at the movie, I'd probably not be in quite so much pain this very moment. AND I'd be upstairs enjoying pie and ice cream!

Instead, I'm in the basement reading blogs. Some really funny blogs. My gosh. I would love to be so bold as to put their links on my permanent page, but will instead at least give them a plug in the next couple paragraphs.

First up, Looky, Daddy! I found this doozy on LesbianDad's site. Contrast to the thoughtful nature of LesbianDad, Looky, Daddy! provides frequent hilarity - sort of a hip Dave Barry. Heh! The fun that can be had with twins!

Next, a little blog called Hypermetamorphic from Davis, California comes with lots of lovely little photos and a damn fine blog list. Matter of fact, I think I love Sasha most for her fine taste in blogs. I came to Hypermetamorphic via Looky, Daddy!

Many, many more lovely photos can be found on Confessions of a Pioneer Woman: Plowing through life in the country... one calf nut at a time. Yep, you get the idea. A crazy little red head from Oklahoma writes some of the funniest stuff I've read. And posts the loveliest photos of her kids. She is so proud of everything they do, you even get a chance to hear their recorded burps and silly mutterings.

Thanks also to Sasha/Hypermetamorphic, I've just finished laughing my ass off at Mimi Smartypants. You read her here, and you'll never hear John Madden or look at Peyton Manning the same again.

Lots and lots of other fabulous stuff is out there. Please leave comments with links to your favorite blogs, or just take a tour of some of theses here and let me know what you think. Maybe I'm just overly full and tired, or maybe they really are that funny!

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