Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Finally! AF was a couple days late. I feel SO bloated and disgusting. Crazy. As late as this morning I was nauseated and there was no sign of AF. I'd catch myself thinking, "Maybe? Could it be??" But I didn't want to be disappointed, and I knew better, so I'd try to shift my thoughts and not get stuck on the possibilities. Although I did try to do a quick google search for pregnant with low BBT... Didn't see what I was looking for - namely "hope."

I'm okay, though. I'll call my doc's office tomorrow to see what she says. As my bloodwork and HSG were all normal/good, maybe I just need more help with timing - a trigger shot or something. She'll probably send me to an RE, though. I'll probably start researching that.

Although I haven't decided what's next for me exactly. I'm toying with the idea of a local known donor--I'd ask a friend. But not sure. Probably not. I dunno... BUT THANKS EVERYBODY WHO COMMENTED WITH SUPPORT AND SYMPATHY AND ADVICE!!!! It's really nice not feeling alone in this.


S&C said...

Sorry bout AF :-( I know its hard. Good luck with the known donor or the RE i think which ever one you go with is a great idea! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh crap, I'm so sorry. I hope things work out with the new donor.

battynurse said...

I'm sorry about AF and that since the witch was going to arrive, she decided to show up late. That sucks because it is hard not to get your hopes up. Good luck with your decision.

SJayneI said...

We have such a love/hate relationship with her, don't we?
I would encourage the known donor. We tried 5 times with frozen, then were successful with fresh. Although, we did switch uterus' as well, so who knows what really worked! >)

ProfCJ said...

Stoopid AF, coming to town so late. Lots of women seem to have luck with an RE, so it can't be a bad move, right? Why does getting pg have to involve 2 zillion little things that have to fall into place?!

C said...

I am also sorry about AF....& you are right, Chelle you are NEVER alone!