Sunday, November 26, 2006

Do my boobs look bigger to you?

Yeah. Breast tenderness right away. Sharp pains in the right breast around and below the nipple yesterday. And they feel fuller.

I've looked back at my charts and don't notice anything consistent in terms of breast tenderness, but did see that in August I had four straight days of tenderness, 6-9 DPO. That takes a little wind out of my sail, but still: Early pregnancy sign in this case?

Who knows... I'm only 3 DPO, so symptoms at this stage are unlikely, though not unheard of.

I AM trying to distract myself. Easiest way for me to lose myself is in movies. I watched two Friday night, two Saturday night, and I expect to go to Blockbuster in the next hour or so to pick up two more. My dishes are clean and I've done one load of laundry so far. Three to go. Brushed Kobi-dog--who is doing very well, by the way! He has his three-week post-op appointment on Wednesday, and everything seems like it's healing. He does get big crusty boogers out of his left nostril, though. That was the side where they had to infiltrate the nasal cavity.

That's pretty much it. Except I've fallen in love with my anonymous sperm donor. I had a very good vibe about him when I did the selection. I followed up recently--guess I got a little bit curious and sentimental--and ordered the long profile. This gives a little more family medical history and more Q&A. Although his handwriting is a little difficult to read, I found that somewhat reassuring. He's obviously thoughtful and intelligent. He has a BFA (ceramics, sculpture, art education and art history) and a K-12 teaching certificate. The big attraction, besides his being 6'5", trim and active outdoors, including rock climbing, artistic, musical (plays a full drum kit) and that he's particularly attuned to nature, is that he's considering getting a degree in environmental sciences. Yep. And I am 6'2", sometimes trim and active outdoors, used to love rock climbing, a great appreciator of art, once sung in a band and studied music, lover of nature and an environmental activist. Seems like a perfect match!!

Except that I'm probably old enough to be his mother. Which is also kind of sexy at the same time. He seems particularly mature for his age...

So, I find myself a little jealous and protective of this donor's sperm (forcing myself to get less personal - he's not a "he," he's a "donor"). I originally bought nine vials and put six in storage. But what if that's not enough? What if I need more and they're out of his? I don't want anyone else to use him... errrr, this donor. Not until I've got my baby with his... this donor's traits!

I'm exaggerating some. The sperm bank is a service open to all women who qualify. We are all seeking that same thing: a healthy pregnancy, complication-free child-birth and beautiful, healthy baby. Of course I wouldn't deny anyone else the opportunity to use this donor. But wouldn't it be great if I could get pregnant and have his... this donor's baby? A donor I might actually date in the real world if he was about 10 years older? He's an even better fit than the 5'11" Greek musician who wants to make the world a better place! ...the one I fell in love with the first time I started looking at donor profiles at another bank.

Okay... I need to watch movies so I can stop thinking about silly stuff like this! It's probably a good thing that tomorrow is Monday.


Anonymous said...

I thought that donor was cool as well. I don't think I feel possessive over my future donors (I'm trying starting next month)..on the flip side, I think it would be cool to actually know other people who had baby's by the same donor as they would be biological half siblings. Hope the boob soreness is an early pg. sign!

Unknown said...

I know how hard it is to stay busy during the tww. I always slept a lot LOL. Good luck!

C said...

Fingers crossed..prayers on high for you Chelle. Keep us all posted, I am on pins & needles for you. Since I can't AI this month I will live through you!

singletracey said...

Hey you! I hope your TWW goes quick and in turn makes mine fly by! I know what you mean about the donor.. I always think that if my donor was out somewhere and him and I met.. we might date... LOL To me picking out the donor was similiar to online dating..LOL

Unknown said...

How is the TWW going? I sure hope flying by....

And yes, we are kind of possessive over our donor too :)